Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Back in Free Webspace

Hello again friends. It's taken me a while to get back to this blog, and I apologize. The earlier part of the delay was unavoidable, as the Chinese internet goons decided to block blogger on me (same week they shut off YouTube ). Such killjoys! Anyway, I'm now back in the USA, with a deepened appreciation of freedom of speech, and back on the blog. I never really appreciated till now what a wonderful thing it is not to have to think thrice before you speak, not to have to worry about who might be listening in or how what you said might be taken.
The sick irony though, was coming home to the debate of the new hate crimes legislation, followed by a more socalist healthcare plan than even the communist state I just left has. I sadly fear I've just gotten home in time to kiss sweet liberty farewell.

Oh well, enough politics. What comes, comes. My duty is the same in any case. Gtg now, I'll try to write some more China stories for ya'll soon.